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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
Valmet Oyj
Project location Finland
Application Steel and Power Plants
Conveying material Wooden chips - Biomass
In 2017, after many years of co-operation with HOFOR (Capital Power Supply) Rulmeca won a very large order for a total of 32 high-performance motorized pulleys with a power of up to 132kW as well as 8,000 low noise transport rollers. The transport components produced by Rulmeca are helping HOFOR to reduce its carbon emissions to a minimum in HOFOR’s new biomass conveyor facility, which began transporting biomass in the power plant in 2018. At the same time, the specially designed conveyor rollers are helping to reduce the noise pollution from the conveyors to its nearest neighbours. Rulmeca's technical consultant Ole Bentsen has spoken about the project work with HOFOR, which lasted for two years. “It has been an exciting and very challenging project for me,” he says. He explained that, from the outset, HOFOR set out the requirements that had to be met in the design of the biomass transport facilities. These stated that it was vital to reduce carbon consumption, noise pollution and maintenance costs, as well as ensure that all components were ATEX approved.
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Motorized pulleys, 32 pcs
Technical details:
MOTORIZED PULLEY 800H; 55.0 kW; 1.60 m/s; RL=2000mm, 4 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 800HD; 75.0 kW; 1.60 m/s; RL=2000mm, 2 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 800HD; 90.0 kW; 1.60 m/s; RL=2000mm, 2 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 500H; 7.5 kW; 1.60 m/s; RL=2000mm, 4 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 500H; 18.5 kW; 1.60 m/s; RL=2400mm, 4 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 630H; 22.0 kW; 1.25 m/s; RL=1600mm, 7 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 500H; 15.0 kW; 1.25 m/s; RL=1600mm, 2 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 800HD; 55.0 kW; 1.25 m/s; RL=1600mm, 3 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 400M; 7.5 kW; 1.25 m/s; RL=1600mm, 1 pce
MOTORIZED PULLEY 800HD; 75.0 kW; 1.25 m/s; RL=1600mm, 2 pcs
MOTORIZED PULLEY 500H; 18.5 kW; 1.25 m/s; RL=1400mm, 1 pcs
Scraper PU-88 and PU-91, 51 pcs
PU-88-1800, 8 pcs
PU-88-1400, 13 pcs
PU-88-1200, 2 pcs
PU-91-1800, 12 pcs
PU-91-1400, 15 pcs
PU-91-1200, 1 pce
Low noise rollers, 8.806 pcs
PSV/5 BCD 25 Y2/18x11,5 159NY 678 LOW NOISE, 3.647 pcs
PSV/5 BCD 30 Y2/22x11,5 159NY 808 LOW NOISE, 306 pcs
PSV/5 BCD 25 Y2/18x11,5 159NY 538 LOW NOISE, 4.669 pcs
PSV/5 BCD 25 Y2/18x11,5 159NY 473 LOW NOISE, 184 pcs
Return rollers, 1.109 pcs
PSV/2 25Y18x12 89/159NYL-B 2008, 449 pcs
PSV/4 30Y22x12 108/159NYL-B 2408, 52 pcs
PSV/2 25Y18x12 89/159NYL-B 1608, 584 pcs
PSV/2 25Y18x12 89/159NYL-B 1408, 24 pcs
By using Rulmeca high-performance motorized pulleys and noise-reducing transport rollers, we achieved high energy and carbon savings. We reduced the noise level signiÕcantly, so its centrally located neighbours closest to the power plant in Copenhagen, not will be aàected. We made it possible to remove all dust from the conveyors and we reduced dramatically the maintenance costs, as Rulmeca’s motorized pulleys only require an oil change for every 30,000 operating hours. At the same time, all drum motors and rollers are ATEX approved,” Bentsen said. Rulmeca's portfolio of noise reducing and ATEX approved Zone 22 transport rollers delivered to HOFOR offerthe following characteristics: - pressed in damping ring in the roller bearing housing; - the roller tube is turned; - the roller is dynamically balanced; -noise measurement of the rollers is documented in a noise test lab developed by Rulmeca Germany.
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