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Explore our comprehensive list of contacts to find the service you need and the nearest location. Our network is designed to provide you with the best support, wherever you are. Discover the perfect match for your requirements and reach out to your local office today.

Synergy International FZE Commercial company Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
RAK Free Trade Zone, PO Box 16129
+971 72668981 +971 72668986
Emm. D. Koumakis S.A. Commercial company
Industrial area of Thessaloniki B.B.32, PO.B. 1199 – P.C. 570 22 Sindos
+30 2310796791 +30 2310795056
S. UFFENHEIMER S.A. Commercial company
Calle 117 Nro. 3591 AR - B1650NRU San Martin Provincia de Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires
+54 1147538005 +54 1147541332
RULMECA GERMANY GmbH Commercial company
Wilslebener Chaussee 12-14 - 06449 Aschersleben
+49 (0) 3473 956-317 +49 (0) 3473 956-333
TEWA Elektromotoren Ges.mbH Agent
Johann Josef Krätzergasse 6 - A-1230 Wien - Ref. Erwin Reumüller
+43 1 865 92 60-0
BRE Products Commercial company Simon Smith
82 Northgate Dive, Thomastown Victoria
+61 0394662601
Conveyor & Transmission Commercial company Systems & Operations Manager - Steve Biddulph
68a Greenmount Drive, East Tamaki AUCKLAND
+64 092743500 +64 0274324710
Drive Systems Pty Ltd Commercial company Dean Hansen
8/32 Melverton Drive, Hallam, Victoria 3803
+61 0397964800
New Era Electro Service Commercial company Paul Tribbick
28-30 McDowell Street, Welshpool, Western Australia, 6106
+61 0894519922
Rulmeca Melco Australia (Pty) Ltd Commercial and production company
Level 6, 191 St Georges Terrace, Perth (6000)
+61 488 907 285
Rema Tip Top Kalgoorlie Dealer Carey McCaul
16 Cunningham Drive - Kalgoorlie WA 6430
Rema Tip Top Perth Dealer Kevin Merrie
102 Kurnall Rd - Welshpool WA 6106
08 62531900 0457 966104
Enbikon d.o.o. Mr. Nenad Konstantinovic Commercial company
Visokog Stevana 23 - 11000 Beograd
00381 11 20 30 238 00381 63 34 88 11 00381 11 20 30 238
UVOTec BV Agent
Coebergerstraat 49/1 - BE-2018 ANTWERPEN - BELGIUM
+32 34 55 43 22 +32 479 820 684 +32 34 54 36 70
Sofia, ul. Louis Ayer N° 132
+359 (0) 2 968 1004
Plovdiv: 4135 Voivodinovo village - Roshovi Tirove Area. Sofia: 10 Boris Dimovski Str., P.C. 1618
+359 32 99 04 62, +359 (2) 9454303
Tec Tor Industria e Comércio de Equipamentos Ltda Commercial company
Av. Novo Horizonte, 406 - 09060-820 Santo André - SP
+55 11 4428 2888 +55 11 4421 9338
RULMECA CANADA LIMITED Commercial and production company
75 Mason Street, Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada, N8A 4L7
+1 (519) 627-2277 +1 (519) 627-5115
RULMECA GERMANY GmbH Commercial company
Wilslebener Chaussee 12-14 - 06449 Aschersleben
+49 (0) 3473 956-317 +49 (0) 3473 956-333
TTM Commercial company
Av. El Arrayàn 1306 - Parque Enea Pudahuel | Santiago - Chile
+56 (02) 2680-5953 +56966889057
RULMECA (TIANJIN) CO., LTD. Commercial and production company
D1-2 & D1-4, Saida International Industrial Park, Xiqing Economic - Development Area (XEDA) - 300385 Tianjin
+86-22-2388-8628 +86-22-2388-9828
A.R. Los Restrepos S.A. Commercial company Eng. Juan F. Gòmez
Carrera 65 # 29-15 - Medellin-Colombia
(+574) 460 0289 (+57) 310 597 47 89
Eurotecnica de Costa Rica AyM, S.A. Commercial company
25 m al Oeste de la Municipalidad de Tibàs - San Josè
+506 2241 4242 +506 8832 4616 +506 2241 4272
Cribas y Tamices Intervenispa Centro de Negocio Kolhy Commercial company Jorge Pozo Santiesteban
Calle 34,e/49 y 49 A , OFICINA 72 - Playa, la Habana-Cuba
Emm. D. Koumakis S.A. Commercial company
Industrial area of Thessaloniki B.B.32, PO.B. 1199 – P.C. 570 22 Sindos
+30 2310.796791 +30 2310.795056
QWERT Technology s.r.o. (Agent of Rulmeca Germany - Bulk Handling) Commercial company
Kostelni 1079 - 43401 Most
+420 476 700142 +420 476 700142
VVV Most spol. s.r.o. (Agent of Rulmeca Germany - Bulk Handling) Commercial company Mr. Zelenka
Topolova 1234 - CZ-43401 Most
+420476103340 +420476105888
Ammeraal Beltech s.r.o. (Dealer Rulli Rulmeca SpA Italy - Unit Handling) Dealer
HruÅ¡kové Dvory 80 - 58601, Jihlava - ÄŒeská republika
+420 567 117 211 +420 567 117 208
RULMECA GERMANY GmbH Commercial and production company
Wilslebener Chaussee 12-14 - 06449 Aschersleben
+49 (0) 3473 956-0 +49 (0) 3473 956-333
Dipl. Ing.(FH) W.-H. Ackrutat (Servicepartner Deutschland) Service
Oderstraße 54-56 - 24539 Neumünster
04321/99850 04321/998522
eldyn Elektromaschinenbau GmbH Service
Beckerstraße 7-9 - 09120 Chemnitz
0371/3673132 0371/3673199
Elektromotoreninstandsetzung Guben GmbH Service
Dubrauweg 29 - 03172 Guben
03561/52782 03561/540493
Elektromotoren-Service GmbH Schmalkalden Service
Rötweg 4A - 98574 Schmalkalden
03683/402567 03683/62261
Erich Schäfer GmbH & Co.KG Service
Käner Str. 11, 57074 Siegen
02737/501154 02737/501200
Küenle Antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG Service
Saarstraße 41-43 - 71282 Hemmingen
07150/9420 07150/942270
Menzel Elektromotoren GmbH Service
Neues Ufer 19-25 - 10553 Berlin
030/3499220 030/34992266
S.B. Systemtechnik: S. Service
Industriezubringer 41 - 49661 Cloppenburg
04471/70770 04471/84741
Steinlen Elektromaschinenbau GmbH Burgwedel Service
Ehlbeek 21 - 30938 Burgwedel
05139/807038 05139/807037
Rulmeca A/S Commercial company
Havnevej 3A, 1. - DK-4000 Roskilde - Denmark
+45 3677 6755
Rulli Rulmeca SpA Commercial company M. Zakki Medjiba
Area sales manager for Maghreb - Alger
+39 035 4300282 + 213 661507506; +33667863642 0039 035 545700
ALAS KUUL AS Commercial company
Loomae tee 1, Lehmja kula - 75306 - Rae Vald Harjumaa - Estonia
+ 372 6593 230 + 372 6593 231
BELTERRA OÜ Commercial company
Treiali tee 2-13, Peetri alevik, Rae vald, Harjumaa, 75312 - Estonia
+3727130903 +3725025477
Rulmeca Oy Commercial company
Ridalintie 3 - 03100 Nummela Finland
00358 9 2243 5510
Industrial Services Center - DATCO Commercial company
78 El Moultaka El Araby St - End of El Mosheer Ahmed Ismail St., Sheraton Heliopolis - Cairo
+20 2 22691367 +20 2 22690347
FORÉS Industrial PARTNER SL Commercial company
C/Hungría, 24. PI Pullman - 12006-Castellón de la Plana
964.244 812
MASANÉS SERVINDUSTRIA, S.A. Commercial company
P.l. El Segre C/ José Barò Travé, Parc. - 25191-Lérida
973 216 061 973 212 258
RULMECA IBÉRICA, S.L.U. Commercial company
Pol. Ind. Can Roqueta II, c/ Can Manent, 31 - Sabadell - España
+34 935 449 199
RULMECA IBÉRICA, S.L.U. Service Servicio de Asistencia Técnica
Pol. Ind. Can Roqueta II, c/ Can Manent, 31 - Sabadell - España
+34 936 096 325 +34 614 306 439 Mobile/Whatsapp
Rulmeca Oy Commercial company
Ridalintie 3 - 03100 Nummela Finland
00358 9 2243 5510
RULMECA France SAS Commercial company
Parc d'activité de La Broye - Rue du Chauffour - 59710 ENNEVELIN (France)
+ 33 (0) +33 (0)
RULMECA UK Ltd Commercial and production company
Brunel Road - Earlstrees Industrial Estate - Corby, Northants, NN17 4JW GB
+44 1536 748525 +44 1536 748535
Emm. D. Koumakis S.A. Commercial company
Industrial area of Thessaloniki B.B.32, PO.B. 1199 – P.C. 570 22 Sindos
+30 2310.796791 +30 2310.795056
Emm. D. Koumakis S.A. Commercial company
283, Monastiriou str. P.C. 546 28 Thessaloniki
+30 2310.514301 +30 2310.529176
Emm. D. Koumakis S.A. Commercial company
86, Athinon Avenue P.C. 104 42 Athens
+30 210.5140557 +30 210.5142224
Emm. D. Koumakis S.A. Commercial company
224, 62 Martiron Avenue,P.C. 713 04 Heraklion
+30 2810.314457 +30 2810.318489
VIMAG (Agent of Rulmeca Germany - Bulk Handling) Commercial company Mr. Virag
Borbèly Gy. u. 5 - H-8900 Zalaegerszeg
+3692346839 +3692510062
Ammeraal Beltech s.r.o. (Dealer Rulli Rulmeca SpA Italy – Unit Handling) Dealer
HruÅ¡kové Dvory 80 - 58601, Jihlava - ÄŒeská republika
+420 567 117 211 +420 567 117 208
PT. RULMECA INDONESIA Commercial company
Rukan Mutiara Taman Palem B5 No.15 - Cengkareng - Jakarta Barat 11730
+62 21 5435 5608 +62 812 814 6188 +62 21 5435 5608
Plot No 107 & 108, Kamla Amurt Developer - Indrad, Kadi ,Mehsana, India – 382715
+91 2764 296629
RULMECA INDONESIA Commercial company
Rukan Mutiara Taman Palem B5 No.15 - Cengkareng - Jakarta Barat 11730
+62 21 5435 5608 +62 812 814 6188 +62 21 5435 5608
COMTRANS Commercial company
5 Hahoma Street (Ind. Zone) - 75655 Rishon Lezion
+972 3 9619636 +972 3 9619644
Fakoor International Tehran Engineering. Co. (FITCO) Commercial company Iraj Seyfi, Hamid Sabbaghi
Suite 4, 4th Floor, No. 4, First St. - Sarafraz St.,Dr. Beheshti Ave., 1587616415 Tehran, IRAN
+98 21 88765532 +98 912 89 83 507 +98 21 88765531
RULLI RULMECA S.P.A. Commercial and production company
Via A. Toscanini, 1
+39 035 4300111
Agenzia GB di Carlo D’Angelo Agent
Alberto Borlenghi Customer service Customer Service
Romagna e Toscana Nord
+39 035 4300247
Andrea Vavassori Customer service Customer Service
Angela Giaconi Customer service Customer Service
Lombardia (Milano, Como, Cremona, Pavia, Varese, Lecco, Lodi, Mantova, Sondrio), Piemonte
+39 392 1108435
Cristina Nicoli Customer service Customer Service
Gabriella Timossi Customer service Key Account Customer Service
Roberta Milesi Customer service Customer Service
Silvia Annovazzi Customer service Customer Service
Suyen Rota Customer service Customer Service
Lombardia (BG/BS/CR/MN) e Valle d’Aosta
+39 035 4300302
Andrea Costa Sales Area Manager
Nord-Est Veneto (Prov. PD/RO/VI/VE/TV), Friuli V.G.
+39 320 0771259
Andrea Moioli Sales Key Account Manager
Nord-Ovest Lombardia (prov. BG-BS-CR-MN) / Liguria
+39 035 4300281 +39 334 6483256
Cristiano Rinaudo Sales Area Manager
Emilia (Province MO-RE-PR-PC)
+39 389 6335221
Daniele Tarli Sales Area Manager
Centro Italia Umbria/Marche/Abruzzo/Molise/Toscana Nord (province AR-GR-SI)
+39 370 1570557
Fabio Pedrini Sales Area Manager
Romagna (province BO-FC-FE-RA-RN), Toscana Nord (province FI-LI-LU-MC-PI-PT) e Repubblica di Sanmarino RSM
366 6177899
Marco Benedetto Sales Area Manager
Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta
+39 327 1131826
Marta Carminati Sales Sales Product Specialist Mototamburi
Nord - Piemonte / Lombardia / Liguria / Valle d'Aosta / Marche / Abruzzo
+39 035 4300258 +39 335 5285003
Maurizio Pietra Sales Area Manager
Lombardia Occidentale (Como, Lecco, Lodi, Milano, Pavia, Sondrio, Varese, Monza-Brianza
327 3353651
Paolo Moreschi Sales B.A.M. Automation (Business Application Manager)
Sonia Erba Sales Area Manager
Veneto Ovest (VR) e Trentino ADG
+39 328 4448692
Cristiano Fratta Service Service Manager
Eugenia Dotti Service Customer Service
Silver Arrow Materials Handling Equipment Commercial company
P.O.Box 925765 Amman 11190, Jordan
00 962 6 5511197 00 962 6 5541197
Bulkworld Co., Ltd. Commercial company Mr. Hyoichi Takahasi
189-4 Ohjimbocho, Funabashi, Chiba 274-0082, Japan
+81-47-401-0137 +81-47-72-8386
Valpe Co., Ltd. Commercial company
1157-77 Cheongnim-dong, Nam-gu - 790-837 Pohang-si, Gyungbuk
+82 54 275 5045 +82 54 275 5062
RULMECA GERMANY GmbH Commercial and production company
Wilslebener Chaussee 12-14 - 06449 Aschersleben
+49 (0) 3473 956-317 +49 (0) 3473 956-333
Rulmeca Oy Commercial company
COMMERCIAL COMPANY FOR UNIT HANDLING - Ridalintie 3 - 03100 Nummela Finland
00358 9 2243 5510
M. K. ÄŒiurlionio g. 111, 66161 Druskininkai
+370 313 532 01
Rulmeca Oy Commercial company
COMMERCIAL COMPANY FOR UNIT HANDLING - Ridalintie 3 - 03100 Nummela Finland
00358 9 2243 5510
PÄ“rnavas iela 35 - LV1009, RÄ«ga, LATVIJA
11, Angle Boulevard Ibnou Tachefine et Rue Ouled Ziane, Casablanca
+212 660380990; +212 668788368
Emm. D. Koumakis S.A. Commercial company
Industrial area of Thessaloniki B.B.32, PO.B. 1199 – P.C. 570 22 Sindos
+30 2310.796791 +30 2310.795056
M.A.R.S. Commercial company
Nouakchott - Mauritanie
+222 22 41 11 02
grupo VYSISA Soluciones Integrales Commercial company Ing. Pedro Maldonado Estrada
VK LEE Commercial and production company
Sales Manager Malaysia - RULMECA THAILAND
+6 012-665 7993
6A, Jalan Ceria 1A, Taman Nusa Indah - 79100 Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia
(607) 2345619 (607) 2447938
Red Energy Sdn Bhd Agent
No.22, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/59, - Seksyen 31, Kawasan Perindustrian Kota Kemuning, - 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
+603-5122 8881 +6012-393 9361; +6012-339 8169
2Move Industry (AGENT OF RULMECA GERMANY GmbH) Agent Mr. de Vos
Postbus 11 - 3770 AA Barneveld - Nederland
+31 (0)88 165 80 80
TBA BV (Unit Handling) Agent
Industrieweg 5-Y - 8263 AA Kampen - Netherlands
VN Link AS Dealer
Kilemokroken 23 - 3516 Hønefoss
32 17 10 40
21 Holmes Rd, Manurewa P.O. Box 38-332 - Howick, Auckland
+649 267 6070 +649 267 6080
Automation Equipment (NZ) Ltd Commercial company Wendy Garrett
26 Tawn Place - Pukete - PO Box 5656 - Hamilton
+64 7 849 0281 +64 7 849 2422
Stellar Process Solutions LLC (SPS) Commercial company Ms Maryam Al Ghailani
P.O.Box : 2993, P.C: 130 , Ghala, Sultanate of Oman
+968 22455775 +968 95443418 +968 22455775
Isotex de Panama, S.A. Commercial company
Via Tocumen Plaza Conquistador Local No 45 - Panama City
+507 217 0050; +507 774 8013 +507 217 0049
BLEXIM S.A.C. (Headquarters) Commercial company
Las Camelias 710, Of. 501, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
+51 - 1 - 441.6373 +51 - 1 - 421.9384
BLEXIM Sucursal Arequipa Commercial company
Calle Toribio Pacheco 104 - Vallecito - Arequipa – Perú
(51-54) 23-17-20; (51-54) 23-15-14 944-640-573
Ner Reyes Commercial company
MATCO Pvt. Ltd. Commercial company
203 Second Floor, Mushtaq Mansion - 18-D Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area - Islamabad - PAKISTAN
+92 (051) 2874941~3 +92 (051) 2874940
Tobis Commercial company
M.K. Ciurlionio st. 111 - LT-66161 Druskininkai
+370 313 53201 +370 687 25124 +370 313 53207
RULMECA POLAND Sp. z o.o. Commercial and production company
ul. Zielona 12, - 58-200 Dzierżoniów
+48 74 832 60 00
RULMECA IBÉRICA, S.L.U. Commercial company
Pol. Ind. Can Roqueta II, c/ Can Manent, 31 - Sabadell - España
+351 308 800 208 (Chamada para rede fixa nacional)
Industrial Seals and Rolls SRL Commercial company Mihai ISAR
Str. Ion Minulescu, Nr. 11, - Bl. C11, Sc. A, Ap 25, - Pitesti, Jud. ARGES, - ROMANIA - Zip code: 110310
RULMECA GERMANY GmbH Commercial company
Wilslebener Chaussee 12-14 - 06449 Aschersleben
+49 (0) 3473 956-317 +49 (0) 3473 956-333
Rulmeca AB Commercial company
Östra Kungshusgatan 13 - S - 532 30 Skara
+46 (0) 511 160 27
ERPO d.o.o., Trbovlje Commercial company
Kolonija 1. maja 19 A - SI-1420 Trbovlje
+386 (0) 3 56 32 390 +386 (0) 41 691 965 +386 (0) 3 56 32 391
SCHIKI d.o.o. Commercial company
Grajska ulica 11 - 3210 Slovenske Konjice - Slovenia
+386 (0) 3 7572360 +386 (0) 3 7572363
Kolonija 1. maja 19 a - SI-1420 Trbovlje
+38635632390 +38635632391
RULMECA GERMANY GmbH - Bulk Handling Commercial company
Wilslebener Chaussee 12-14 - 06449 Aschersleben
+49 (0) 3473 956-317 +49 (0) 3473 956-333
VVV Most spol. s.r.o. (Agent of Rulmeca Germany - Bulk Handling) Commercial company Mr. Zelenka
Topolova 1234 - CZ-43401 Most
+42 (0) 0476 103-340 +42 (0) 0476 105-888
Ammeraal Beltech s.r.o. (Dealer Rulli Rulmeca SpA Italy – Unit Handling) Dealer
HruÅ¡kové Dvory 80 - 58601, Jihlava - ÄŒeská republika
+420 567 117 211; +420 606 649 667 (24/7) +420 567 117 208
RULMECA (THAILAND) CO. LTD. Commercial and production company
55/12 Moo 15, Tambol Bangsaothong, Amphur Bangsaothong - 10570 Samutprakarn
+66 2 1825280-85 +66 2 1825286-87
Olantechservice (AGENT OF RULMECA GERMANY GMBH) Agent Mr. Andrej Ostapchuk
ul. 50 Chapaeva - 67543 Vizirka - Odessa
00380 674880364
RULMECA Corporation Commercial company
3200 Corporate Drive Wilmington, NC, USA - 28405
+1 910-794-9294 + 1 910-794-9296 Website
Nguyen Trong DuongCountry Manager Vietnam Commercial company
Nazim Gashi Agent
Nilos Kosova SHPK - Rr. Ana Komena nr.7, Prishtina
+383 44 149 836; +383 49 149 836
Enbikon d.o.o. (AGENT OF RULMECA GERMANY GMBH) Agent Mr. Nenad Konstantinovic
Visokog Stevana 23 - 11000 Beograd
00381 11 20 30 238 00381 63 34 88 11 00381 11 20 30 238
MELCO Conveyor Equipment Commercial and production company
Cnr. Hertzog & Jack Pienaar Street - Germiston South Ext. 7, P.O. Box 131 - 1400 Germiston
+27 87 806 3160 +27 11 825 3592
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