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Manufacturing, Packaging and Automation

Conveyor systems for manufacturing and packaging process automation

High-quality and flexible Rulmeca material handling components respond to the widespread demand for conveyor systems by manufacturing and packaging companies. Our solutions are helpful for several industrial applications since they fit for the handling of the most varied goods and items, ranging among heavy, fragile and dangerous materials too.
Handling materials means following all the various phases of the process. Therefore, it’s fundamental to be able to offer products that are suited to this purpose. With a wide and complete assortment, Rulmeca is capable of offering the right solution for all requirements. Our material handling components allow for the realization of conveyors to move both raw materials and final products between processing, production and packaging machines.

Thanks to its experience Rulmeca makes the difference

The transportation, sorting, picking and depositing of goods has to be carried out in an efficient and effective manner in order to guarantee the full functionality of the system. Rulmeca material handling components are the result of extensive experience in the sector and ensure improving the performance of conveyor systems. Due to their premium engineered design, they optimize and speed up all operations resulting in a safer and leaner work for operators and increased efficiency and productivity.