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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
High-Performance Belt Conveyor Pulleys: Designed for Heavy-Duty Bulk Handling and Long-Lasting Reliability
As essential mechanical components, belt conveyor pulleys are designated to drive, redirect, track or provide tension to the belt. The complete Rulmeca production of belt conveyor pulleys covers all these basic functions needed to make the system run, since it includes drive pulleys, return pulleys, bend pulleys, idler pulleys and snub pulleys which are specifically designed according to their role and position in the belt conveyor layout. Basically, Rulmeca belt conveyor pulleys address bulk handling applications where heavy-duty conveyors are required to transport big quantities and loads of various bulk materials. Then, they are dimensioned depending on the specific features of each conveyor and application, such as belt dimensions, stress potential, distribution of load and matching performance of components and their materials.
Rulmeca designs and manufactures belt conveyor pulleys using materials of the highest quality and employing advanced technology and manufacturing techniques in the production process. Rulmeca belt conveyor pulleys are developed using a high degree of security in the dimensioning of the flanges, sizing and penetration of the welding and assembly between shell, flange and hub. Together with the application of the Quality Assurance system certified to ISO 9001, all these characteristics contribute to the production of high-quality products offering a dependable and long-life performance in the application field resulting in appreciably reduced maintenance costs.
Versatility in motion, durability in action
Simple design, reliable performance
Boost efficiency, reduce maintenance