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Code of Ethics
Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
In today's world, it is no longer an option, but a necessity. Our planet requires constant attention and targeted actions to ensure a prosperous future for the coming generations. Sustainability is manifested through responsible choices and daily practices that respect the environment and promote social equity. Thinking sustainably means considering the long-term impact of our actions. It is a holistic vision that embraces the environment, the economy, and society. When we make decisions, we must weigh the effects on biodiversity, natural resources, and the well-being of communities.
Understanding the impact of human activities on the environment and acting accordingly.
Choosing solutions that favor the conservation of resources for future generations.
Implementing projects that promote the use of renewable energies and waste reduction.
Engaging the community in awareness programs and environmental volunteer activities.
Code of ethics
Health and safety are issues of fundamental importance for the Group, which constantly strives to maintain high levels of health and safety both in its manufacturing facilities and in its own offices, scrupulously applying current regulations.The various Group companies adopt the tools appropriate to the context in which they operate in compliance with current standards, with the primary objective of effectively supervising and protecting the health and safety of workers with a view to continuous improvement, minimising accidents at work.
The Group has always shown notable attention to the territories in which it operates and the local community, providing tangible support through donations and sponsorships to various organisations dedicated to helping the most vulnerable individuals and protecting the environment.The choice of the organisations to support is entrusted to individual Group companies, which operate in different local contexts and best positioned to understand the needs and identify the projects that offer the best response to these needs.