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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
Nero Giardini
Project location Italy
Application Manufacturing, Packaging and Automation
Conveying material Shoes
The Mission of Nero Giardini is the Made in Italy and the enhancement of the Marche region. The automatic storage combines technology and the fashion world. Two self-supporting structures with one dorsal in the middle for the pallets and boxes handling: two pallets storage and a boxes storage for picking with a fully automated system including palletizing and loading bay for distribution.
The company JUNGHEINRICH ITALIANA-Milan was the main-contractor and the supplier of the bay racking for the two pallets storage, input from the production centers and output to feed the picking.
The company UTECO-CONTEC from Modena has completely provided the handling system and the feeding to the storages, fully automated and logic controlled, up to the flaps of shipment.
UTECO-CONTEC has bought Rulmeca products for over 30 years for quality, reliability and technology.
For this system it was important the Rulmeca support to ensure safety, silence and a simple control system. Rulmeca has supplied:
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Driven rollers for Poly-V belts.
Friction rollers for Poly-V belts.
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