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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
Vector Conveyors
Project location Spain
Application Manufacturing, Packaging and Automation
Conveying material Flowers
Vector Conveyors is a company manufacturing transportation system (complete lines). We are currently focused on developing our business, creating fully automatic systems that include complete sorting and classification lines, as well as a range of process automation systems including machines for loading products onto pallets at the end of the line. When I began working with Rulmeca, one of the first solutions that we implemented in Spain was for Salinas de Torrevieja where, at the time, rollers for heavy loads were used for rubber belts employed in salt transportation. We began collaborating with Rulmeca to test a roller from the PL series, with monthly checks to assess performance in the salt flats - we introduced the PL rollers in plastic, considering that the saline environment was not ideal for iron. We carried out tests, obtaining good results month after month; after two years of testing, we were able to substitute all the rollers at the Salinas de Torrevieja with Rulmeca PL products.
Related products
Driven rollers for Poly-V belts, with interchangeable pulley.
Driven rollers for Poly-V belts.
Friction rollers for Poly-V belts.
One of the goals of Vector Conveyors is new technology. To this end, a while ago we focused on the company Cellumation. Cellumation produces a system known as Celluveyor, which allows for the omnidirectional movements of a range of box types. Currently, together with Cellumation, we are working on the overall development of an automatic pallet unloader that requires no programming at any time. Vector Conveyors continues to grow, with new projects. Next year should see important projects that naturally involve the full range of Rulmeca products, i.e., gravity rollers, RDRs, special rollers for the automotive industry, etc. We have chosen Rulmeca because from the outset we saw the quality and the value of the human capital, in this case of the Spanish team. Over time, I have had the opportunity to get to know the Rulmeca team in Italy, and we can confirm that people really make the difference. We stand out, above all, because we fully embrace the client’s project; we do not start straight away with bringing ideas to fruition, but rather we analyse them, we transform them, we present them to the client and, together, we look for the perfect solution. This means that we do not stop at simply implementing any project that we are presented with; we study all the processes, one by one, until we have the best possible result for our client.
In 2021, Vector Conveyors signed an agreement for an important installation in Valencia, for Verdnatura, the leading Spanish wholesaler of flowers; the company receives flowers from all over the world, processes and packages them, and then they pass through our machines. Rulmeca was involved for the installation of RDR drive rollers for the entire project, rendering this site the most important operational RDR system in Spain, with 200 metres of rollers. Overall, three RDRs were installed for every metre, for a total of 600 rollers. As of today, after two years of operation, we have not encountered any problems with the machinery involved.
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An incredible number of products have to be transported and handled every day in an absolutely safe manner in order to maintain a service that is durable, uninterrupted and fast.