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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
Lopez Montero automatismos S.L.U.
Project location Spain
Application Manufacturing, Packaging and Automation
Conveying material Logistic, automation, robotics
Providing technical and innovative solutions and growth to its activity and modernization. LMGroup stands out for the high quality and recognition of the products, for the constancy in innovative research and for the efficient after-sales service. LMGroup services range from the design and planning of the solution to the after-sales service and reengineering, which they develop together with the customer.
Related products
Compact, Silent, and Maintenance-Free Power for Efficient Industrial Transport
Driven rollers for Poly-V belts, with interchangeable pulley.
Driven rollers for Poly-V belts.
Friction rollers for Poly-V belts.
The possibilities of conveyors in Smart Logistics are extensive. Their main function is to speed up sorting at different points in the supply chain. Their modularity provides the benefit of adapting to multiple solutions that optimise production and increase the efficiency of the installations that contain them, hence the exponential growth and extension of their use in industry in recent times. In addition, conveyors, whether roller conveyors, belt conveyors or sorters, are a very suitable tool to work together with robotic arms, collaborative robots, etc.
Conveyors, are machinery dedicated to the transport of the parcel, or sorting. Their use is of great value in different parts of the supply chain, such as the induction area, picking area, end of lines, etc. The packages can be directed manually or by means of laser code readings which, supported by pop ups or transfers, will induce them to their final destination, either for storage or for their commercial exit and distribution. Due to its modularity, its installation is very flexible and generates production rhythms that result in an efficiency which translates into a generalised cost reduction. They also add value to the safety of employees due to less exposure to overexertion, thus avoiding accidents at work.
Related case histories
Bassetti reached this target thanks to a system carried out by Cinetic Sorting Systems with the use of Rulmeca components.
In a highly competitive market, where the Customers’ business continuity assumes an increasingly central role,
Sielaff, specialized in distribution and return systems, turns to Rulmeca to optimize the reliability of its machines and improve its operational capacity.
Fimi supplied the slitter and packaging line to IAI in Hungary.
Nero Giardini is a company that produces and distributes shoes and fashion accessories.
PRL focuses specifically on baked products. For this sector, they can offer transportation systems ranging from unpackaged products to tertiary transportation, i.e., from boxed goods to palleting.
An incredible number of products have to be transported and handled every day in an absolutely safe manner in order to maintain a service that is durable, uninterrupted and fast.
The customer called Rulmeca to build and install a conveyor line for one of the leading Spanish wholesaler of flowers.