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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
SAMMI S.r.l.
Project location Italy
Application Steel and Power Plants
Conveying material Petcoke
The plant is located downstream of the closed coke slurry system and mainly consists of a set of 8 conveyor belts located upstream and downstream of a coke store, equipped with a semi-portal scraper and a truck loading system with twin stations with "buffer" silos. The package also includes a double truck scale, located under the loading system, and a truck washing and drying system installed at the loading station. The proposed system makes possible to easily integrate the control panel of the feeders with the other parts of the plant. It is expected that the command of the feeders is connected and managed by the master control system (master PLC) located in the main controlroom.
Related products
Customizable Upper Carrying Troughing Idlers for Enhanced Load Support, Self-Centering Tracking, and Versatile Material Handling
For light/medium/heavy duty applications
Possibility of installing high-performance solutions, both for extreme environmental aggressiveness and for the ATEX enviroment.
The collaboration with Rulmeca gave to the customer the possibility to choose among a wide range of products to find the best that suits its needs.
Read the Blog article about: Conveying solutions for alternative energy sources
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