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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
Matla Colliery
Project location South Africa
Application Steel and Power Plants
Conveying material Coal
The plant has a continuous burn rate of in excess of 2000 tonnes per hours of coal.
The Matla underground conveyor system, needing to satisfy the following criteria:
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Customizable Upper Carrying Troughing Idlers for Enhanced Load Support, Self-Centering Tracking, and Versatile Material Handling
Related case histories
One of the most important power plants producing in Italy.
Rulmeca helps Copenhagen fulÕl its aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2025.
Design and construction of a Coke Storage and Loading Facility (CS-LF) package with the aim of transferring and storing the coke in a "bulk hall" and loading it onto trucks.
Project of a power plant fed with biomass in Gardanne (Marseille - France).
Powerful Rulmeca motorized pulley type 1000H 200kW installed on a feeding conveyor at EGAT power station in Thailand.