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Rulmeca operates a Service centre fully dedicated to the repair and assembly of Motorized Pulleys
Panama Channel
Project location Panama
Application Ports, Import and Export Terminals
End of 2009: The Italian – Spanish group of companies “Grupo Unido por el Canal” (GUPC) which had been awarded the project for the doubling of the Panama Chanel, issued an order to the company I.C.M. (in Verona Italy) for the supply of 2 crushing and screening plants for a total value of 37million US$:
For ICM this was a major achievement as they would take part in one of the most important projects worldwide.
The doubling of the Panama channel will allow “Post-Panamax” ships of up 12.000 TEU to go through the Channel (from 4.400 TEU today).
An overall key requirement was the reliability of all components in order to minimize break downs and avoid production stops!
Feb 2010: Rulli Rulmeca received an order from I.C.M. for the following items for BW 650-800-1000-1200:
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For light/medium/heavy duty applications
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CN installed six Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys to upgrade two 40-year-old crawler-mounted MX bucket wheel reclaimers at the company’s Two Harbors, MN facility.