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Bedeschi S.p.a.



Project location Ukraine

Application Ports, Import and Export Terminals

Conveying material Cereals


In 2018, Bedeschi supplied to Kernel LLC a new grain terminal.

The loading system is composed by No. 2 lines. Each is composed with a travelling ship loader mounted on rails and equipped with a tripper conveyor to elevate the material to the loader boom. The tripper is fed by a dock conveyor, which extends for 300 m and is positioned parallel to the parked vessel. After a single hold of the ship is filled, the loader is moved to the next operating zone travelling at a rate of approximately 40 meters per minute. The loading capacity for each line is equal to 2200 t/h and each shiploader is designed to satisfy the required loading capacity permitted for each wheels, on the exiting rails installed on the pier.

Related products

Steel rollers - PSV

For light/medium/heavy duty applications


Related products

Steel impact rollers - PSV

Enhanced protection for material impact for light/medium/heavy duty applications


A new terminal for cereals handling and all correlated problems, such as explosion risks and very dusty environment. PSV rollers are particularly suited to conveyors that operate in ATEX environment and very difficult conditions in general, where working loads are high and yet, despite these characteristics, they require minimal maintenance.


PSV rollers completely cancel ATEX environment risks because of their 100% antistatic properties. PSV rollers fully matched the target of operation effectiveness and duration reliability.

