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Mae Moh Thailand

Customers in Thailand rely on proven products


Project location Thailand

Application Mining, Coal and Lignite

Conveying material Overburden


The long-term relationships of RULMECA to the owner of the opencast mine as well as to the service provider for the overburden excavation and the associated very good experiences with RULMECA products made SAHAKOL easy to make the decision.

At the end of 2016, RULMECA Germany GmbH received an order for the delivery of rollers and garlands for the equipment of the new conveyor belt systems of the overburden project No. 8 in opencast mine MAE MOH in northern Thailand. Approximately 18 km of belt system in the widths 2600 mm, 2200 mm and 1800 mm are equipped with RULMECA technology for the upper and lower belt as well as the transfer stations. SAHAKOL Equipment Public Company Ltd. is the contracting partner for the procurement of the rollers and garlands. SAHAKOL operates conveyor belt systems for the EGAT (Energy Generating Authority of Thailand). The long-term relationships of RULMECA to the owner of the opencast mine as well as to the service provider for the overburden excavation and the associated very good experiences with RULMECA products made SAHAKOL easy to make the decision. In the very well maintained belt systems, ten-year and longer service life is common.

In Thailand, too, the use of conveyor systems is increasingly seen from an ecological point of view. Low energy consumption and low noise emissions also belong to the requirements for bearing rollers, such as long life and associated material and cost savings. SAHAKOL has decided to use rollers with a diameter of 194 mm. Compared to the diameter of 159 mm used in older belt systems; there is a considerable advantage in terms of energy consumption due to the considerably smaller pushing rolling resistance. With a belt width of 2000 mm and a belt length of 1887 m, the reduction in the pushing rolling resistance of up to 300 kW is achieved. Taking into account the fact that the energy is generated in a coal-fired power plant, this means a CO2 saving of approx. 2400 t / year. These data have convinced the owner of open pit mining and the operator of the conveyor systems. In the peripheral equipment such as excavators, crushing plants or spreaders, RULMECA rollers of the same type are used on the operator's request, which significantly improves spare parts stock and availability.

Energy generation from coal is an important part of the energy mix for the emerging economies in Southeast Asia. With advanced technologies, such as those from RULMECA, this can help to limit the emission of climate-damaging CO2. Until renewable energies have increased their share so that CO2 emissions can be reduced, the focus lies with the Thai energy supplier EGAT on the efficiency improvement of existing plants.

Also in other industries and regions of the world, the energy-saving and noise-reduced roles of RULMECA find their field of application. Whether in bulk port installations, iron ore or copper mining, building material production or the transport of other bulk materials RULMECA rolls are enjoying a strongly growing demand. The roller types developed in the RULMECA laboratory can be largely adapted to the customers’ requirements and thus provide maximum efficiency for the operator. The modern and powerful RULMECA test bench is specially designed for tests and developments in order to adapt the products to the ever-increasing market requirements.

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