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Company profile
RULMECA GERMANY GmbH is a leading institution in the industrial transportation component sector. With a history characterised by success, the company stands apart for innovation and quality in the production of rollers for conveyor belts, motorised pulleys and pulleys. Its global presence is demonstrated by the fact that its products are used in a range of industries, such as cement, recycling and mining. RULMECA products are chosen for their reliability and efficiency, factors that have allowed the company to consolidate its role as a world leader. Its clients include leading OEMs, engineering companies and end users, who all see RULMECA as a strategic partner for their operational needs. The company expanded its range in 2013, introducing solutions for intralogistics, thus also serving the food industry and the distribution and logistics sectors.
The Aschersleben production plant plays an essential role in RULMECA’s innovation, where excellence in the production of motorised pulleys is guaranteed by a team of highly qualified professionals. A constant commitment to research and development combined with advanced technology and automation in production processes guarantees products of the utmost quality and excellent customer service. This devotion to excellence is reflected in the high levels of client satisfaction and in the lasting reputation of RULMECA within the global market.
Gustav Wetzel establishes a foundry in Aschersleben, producing small cast brass parts and small machine frames for the lignite mining industry.
Expansion to "Wetzelsche Gelb- und Eisengießerei"; production of steel wire rope making machines; first exports of closing machines for mining to Russia.
Transformation into "Wetzel GmbH Aschersleben", Iron and Metal Foundry as a result of the world economic crisis.
The engineering and foundry company was nationalized and renamed "ABUS machine factory and iron foundry".
Production of the first Motorized Pulleys and rollers in Aschersleben.
The company began to supply rollers and garlands for bulk conveying applications.
The company was renamed into “VEB Förder- und Antriebstechnik Aschersleben” (FAA) and became part of the biggest East German Group of Coal Mining and Conveyor Equipment manufacturers (TAKRAF).
One million Motorized Pulleys have been produced.
The company as "Förder- und Antriebstechnik Aschersleben GmbH" becomes part of the Interroll Group, a worldwide, well-known manufacturer of unit handling conveyor components.
Double strategy: Increase in world-wide Motorized Pulley sales and development and production of rollers and belt pulleys.
Aschersleben became headquarters of Interroll business unit Bulk Handling.
The company became part of the RULMECA Group and was renamed into “RULMECA FAA GmbH”.
RULMECA Germany was certified according to ISO EN 9001.
Construction of a new production hall.
RULMECA FAA GmbH and Precismeca Montan were merged into one company: RULMECA GERMANY GmbH.
Market launch of MP 1000HD; the most powerful Motorized Pulley in the world.
Market launch of Motorized Pulleys for unit handling applications.
Rapidly Implementation Standardization Efficency
Rulmeca Germany has received the seal as an “employer of the future” and thus underlines the importance of digitalization and sustainability issues. These are crucial elements for long-term success and orientation in attracting new talent who are interested in our group.