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Rollers Production of a wide range of belt conveyor rollers that offer resistance, efficiency, and long life, characteristics required by multiple industrial applications

A complete selection of key belt conveyor parts

Belt conveyor rollers represent a high investment in the overall design of a material handling system. As is known, high-quality of rollers is a key requirement to ensure an efficient and continuous working life of modern conveyors.

Rulmeca belt conveyor rollers are manufactured according to national and international highest standards of quality and safety: ISO, UNI, DIN, AFNOR, FEM, BS, JIS, SANS and CEMA. Our company pays special attention to every single manufacture phase, from preliminary research to engineered design, from production to strict laboratory tests through specially designed machines to examine their performance. In addition, the long-year practical experience in the most variable plants now helps to identify the best solution for each customer.

All conveyor mechanical components have to be selected according to technical criteria to guarantee plant efficiency and economy of use. Rulmeca catalogue counts different series and configurations of belt conveyor rollers able to cover various bulk industry uses differing in the type, load volume, grain or lump size of the transported material, as well as the environmental conditions (low/high temperatures, salty air, water and moisture, etc.). Over and above normal steel rollers, our company also provides impact rollers and return rollers (even self-cleaning) with rubber rings whose integration is needed in most bulk handling conveyors. Due to their precise engineered design, Rulmeca belt conveyor rollers are guaranteed to rotate under medium and high loads freely, easily and over time. Beside the use of highly selected materials, the presence of an efficient self-lubricated sealing system protecting roller bearings minimizes the need for ordinary maintenance. That’s how Rulmeca rollers becomes suitable for variable environmental challenges, including dust, dirt, water, low and high temperatures.